Reservation: 928 941 792
Open from 4PM to 10PM. Monday closed.

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Welcome to our website! Here you can find all the information you need about our restaurant. We have prepared a space for our customers on our website.

Do you have something you want to tell us? This is your space to do it, thanks, complaints, etc … You can say what you want and we will answer you.


Comments ( 3 )
  1. Robertson - junio 19, 2018 - 7:02 pm # Reply

    Good evening, Lovely new website, a quick question have you stopped doing pasta dishes as you only have pizza listed on the menu we have really enjoyed the trio of pastas on our visits ? Thank you

    • vipadmin - noviembre 19, 2018 - 4:07 pm # Reply

      Dont worry, you can see all our menu here. See you soon!

  2. markus - agosto 31, 2018 - 7:17 pm # Reply

    bela ciao von el profesor einfach geil.😁😁

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